5/5 ⭐ | Blood at the Root by Ciahnan Darrell

Author Ciahnan Darrell is in a league of his own when it comes to writing powerful works of art.  After reading his debut, “A Lifetime of Men,” I knew he was no ordinary author.  The thought, prose, emotion, and multifaceted angles in which he approaches his characters are what makes Darrell stand out in his unique ability to craft a story. So, when his second book, “Blood at the Root” was released I knew it had the potential to be incredibly impactful.

In a time of racial unrest, inequalities, and brutality, Darrell’s latest book “Blood at the Root” is gripping.  What begins as a horribly grotesque, disturbing, and brutal video of white billionaire Christopher Fairchild, unravels into the impact of this video’s fallout.  From police, homeless, drug dealers, illegal immigrants, widows, parents, and more, the pieces that shift as a result of this video, the effects of the video’s widespread release are reactive and moving.

“Blood at the Root” is a timely, layered, powerful, and captivating read.  Spiraling through a multitude of characters and relationships as it all centers around this film, this event, this message.  Timely in its portrayal, powerful in its delivery, and memorable in its message, Ciahnan Darrell has created another unique masterpiece.

Between each character, readers are given a short break via “The Giggle House” comedy sketch.  Clearly voiced from the point of view of a black comedian talking about “wypipo” this “lighter” piece serves to break up the heavy events concurrently taking place throughout the read.  “The Giggle House” serves to inject a bit of comedy and humor in an otherwise dark, yet true glimpse of humanity.

Reading almost like a compilation of short stories orbiting around this seismic videography event, “Blood at the Root” is searingly intense and critically important.  

Click HERE to get your copy today!

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