5/5 ⭐ | Game Piece (The Barry Marshall Series Book 1) by Alan Brenham

Having grown up in a family of law enforcement the home life, marital stress, and dedication to the job are all too familiar.  Author Alan Brenham captures all this and more in this first book of The Barry Marshall Series, “Game Piece.”

Cancelled date nights, working weekends, late hours, and minimal time with young daughter, Cailey, are all too frequent in the Marshall household.  Barry Marshall’s wife, Erin, has had enough.  Pressuring him to take a teaching job, the stress of his work coupled with the murder of her uncle, ATF agent Sam Robbins, has Erin looking for every reason to get Barry in a safer career. 

Currently working what is quickly stacking up to be a serial killer on the loose, Barry is committed to stopping the murderer, once again at the expense of his family.  As deaths continue to stack up, Barry recognizes the victims.  Barry seems to be part of the killer’s game as he continues to phone him, plant clues, and taunt him over the phone.  While all this is occurring, Erin’s girl’s nights become more frequent, as pressure from her friends, and the stress of the killer comes to a head.

Brenham brilliantly captures the life of law enforcement families, the push and pull of saving others and maintaining a family balance.  The realities are glaringly on display as the Marshall family navigates the weight of Barry’s career. 

Barry Marshall makes for a relatable and frustrating main character.  Continuously choosing one at the expense of another.  “Game Piece,” and the killer’s game of murder, keeps readers on their toes as the hunt wears on.  Racing against the clock, Brenham’s Barry Marshall Series is an intense ride.    

Click HERE to get your copy today!

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