Two Reviews: Our Little Secret by Roz Nay & The Widow of Wall Street by Randy Susan Meyers

Our Little Secret by Roz Nay

Publication Date: April 17th, 2018

Rating: 4 ¾ Stars

Everything I disliked about The Sinner is flawlessly done in this, Our Little Secret. Interestingly told as a one-sided conversation, this unique and intriguing story swirls us around like a sophisticated red wine in a connoisseur’s tasting glass. This book will unquestionably be well regarded and highly spoken of throughout 2018, and rightly so.

A trippy love story that shows us first love never leaves, just ask Angela Petitjean. Our Little Secret will screw with your mind as Angela’s one-way conversation sucks you to her side, her point-of-view and her truth. Led through her version of history as told to the detectives on her case, you are left scratching your head and flipping through pages, trying to find out what exactly happened and where it all went wrong.

Buckle up, this is one you won’t want to miss.

*Disclaimer: A review copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The Widow of Wall Street by Randy Susan Meyers

Publication Date: April 11th, 2017

Rating: 4 Stars

The Wolf of Wall Street from the wife’s perspective is the purest way to describe this book. Author Randy Susan Meyers, does such an incredible job framing wife, Phoebe, from young childhood love as she falls for Jake Pierce, to the growth of his deceit and ultimate slide from glory.

This book caused me pause as I stopped to think of all that suffered during the heart of the stock market crash in 2008. But, the feelings of empathy and remorse I had for Phoebe, the wife of one of the very men running a Ponzi scheme, were confusing and uncomfortable. The breadth of those affected and the wide-reaching population fooled by Jake Pierce is artfully captured within The Widow of Wall Street. I found this book extremely interesting and especially attractive to myself, a woman in finance. The intricacies of Jake’s corruption are understandably laid out without losing the reader in confusion, while the design of the sale is deviously transmitted to each unsuspecting soul as they are ultimately left with nothing.

*Disclaimer: A copy of this book was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.